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Vivian Ansuhenne

Naturopath Vivian Ansuhenne
Vivian A. Ansuhenne, born '72, daughter of Ghanaian parents, graduated as a Pharmaceutical Technical Assistant before opting for a career as a naturopath. Shortly thereafter, she made her 2-year training as a naturopath. Then, at the age of 23 she decided to engage in Traditional Chinese Medicine by completing a 3-year training in classical acupuncture and TCM as part of the AGTCM, where she graduated in 1999 and obtained her diploma. Since 1999 she works in her practice in Hamburg.
Further training followed, i.a. in Chinese herb therapy with Barbara Kirschbaum (Walter Geiger and Mazin Al Khafaji). Since 2006 she is a lecturer in Chinese medicine and other topics at Paracelsus Schools and Institutions of the Working Group for TCM in Germany. You will also find blogs, eBooks and current events written by her on her website

The focus of her practice and seminars are gynecology, the desire of women and men to have children, skin disease and healthy-aging / beauty-aging with the tools of Chinese medicine.
Her special concern is to help people to get well and, above all, to stay healthy through prophylactic methods!
The recipes are to be understood as a 
dietary supplements. Especially healthy-aging, beauty-aging and turning years can help the body to age well, in combination with exercise, meditation and a mindful lifestyle.
If you have questions about the TCM or the individual recipes, you can contact Ms. Ansuhenne at
You'll find Vivian Ansuhenne's formulas in our shop.